


Stunning Nature Is True Luxury

The charms of Omishima Island are truly inexhaustible. First of all, there is the natural scenery: islands large and small dot the vast expanse of the sea, the sun sparkles on the water’ s surface, clouds drift lazily across the enormous sky. The sunsets here are just incredible.
Counterbalancing the ruggedness of this primordial environment is the intricacy of the rice paddies, citrus groves, and villages that people have created over the centuries. The word satoyama (literally “village-mountains” ) is used to refer to pastoral landscapes like this one, where nature and human activity are interwoven, and this is the quintessential landscape of Japan for which Japanese people feel such fondness and nostalgia. A leisurely stroll through this rustic environment is all you need to savor the true charm of Omishima.
Revered since the dawn of written history as the Island of Kami (deities), Omishima has been spared major industrial development and retains a rich and diverse biosphere. There is no shortage of hiking trails where you can enjoy the delights of flora that change with the seasons, and encounter rare wildlife as well.
According to Ozawa Jun, an expert on Omishima’ s natural environment, the island’ s biosphere is nurtured and protected by diverse natural terrain including salt flats, swampland, tidal flats, sandy beaches, the primeval forest around Oyamazumi Shrine preserved as the sacred home of deities, and bodies of water such as rice paddies that are untouched by concrete construction. This rural environment is home not only to Japanese rice fish, pond snails, and loaches (freshwater eels) but also to rare creatures such as the Daruma pond frog. The Omishima Nature Conservation Society and other local conservationists are working to protect this precious natural environment, for example by surveying and monitoring colonies of the endangered bamboo lily.

1 大山祇神社境内にそびえる天然記念物のクスノキは樹齢2、3 千年と伝承されている
2 愛媛県の絶滅危惧Ⅱ類のダルマガエル
3 瀬戸内名物のマダコは伝統的なタコ壺漁で。マダイやマイカなど魚貝も豊か
4 絶滅危惧種のササユリの群生地は大三島の貴重な自然資源だ



大三島の美しさは、穏やかな海や大きな空といった瀬戸内海独特の自然だけではない。人の手によって島の斜面に整えられた石積みの果樹畑、狭い 土地に密集している瓦屋根の集落、手入れの行き届いた田んぼや畑など、長い時をかけて人々がつくり、守ってきた里山の風景であり、人々の営みだ。そこには、ひたすら合理性や効率性を求めてきた都市とは相反する、ゆったりした時間と手間ひまを惜しまない身の丈にあった地元思考が息づいている。




  • 1 田植の後、メダカなどの生物を観察し、その働きを説明
  • 2 後進の育成のために、若手への農業指導も熱心に取り組む越智さん
  • 3 作物はもちろん、てんとう虫などの昆虫も元気だ
  • 4 地元小学校での授業風景




  • 1 小さな苗は育ち、やがて大三島産のワインの原料になる
  • 2 日のあたる島の南斜面に造られたブドウ畑
  • 3 林豊さん(手前)と川田さん
  • 4,5 ワインバーを開く「みんなの家」は、木の温もりが懐かしい建物だ




  • 1 オカリナや笛などの楽器は特に人気がある
  • 2,3 所狭しと飾られている弘之さん手づくりの木工製品と裕子さん
  • 4 フレッシュな味わいのハーブティと柑橘の皮を使ったお菓子

Agriculture: Creating a Human Biosphere

The beauty of Omishima lies not only in nature but also in human civilization: stone-walled terraced groves of fruit trees on hillsides, villages of kawara roof-tiled houses clustered together in small enclosures, tidy and well-kept fields and rice paddies. The pastoral landscape that the island’ s inhabitants have created and preserved over the centuries (photo 1) reflects a value system far removed from that of the single-mindedly practical and efficient city, and time passes far more slowly here.
In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of people moving to Omishima to live, or returning home after living elsewhere, and a high percentage of them remain on the island over the long term. Clearly there is something about this environment that fulfills people in a way urban life cannot. Let’ s see what a few of these transplants or returnees from elsewhere have to say.

Cyclical Agriculture Only Possible on a Small Scale
Ochi Motoyuki (Vege Vege Natural Farm)

Mr. Ochi, who moved to Omishima from Osaka with family 17 years ago, practices cyclical agriculture. This involves, for example, feeding leftover vegetables to chickens, then turning the chickens’ droppings into fertilizer, which is spread on rice paddies along with compost made from kitchen garbage, making use of all resources and generating minimal waste. The resulting soil is home to earthworms and ladybugs, and is highly heat-retentive and water-conductive (photo 2). Questioning Japanese farmers’ reliance on imported seeds, Mr. Ochi also dedicates time and energy to harvesting native seeds for further planting. For the past 10 years he has also been conducting a cyclical agriculture workshop, which he organized with the goal of conveying to children the importance of coexisting with nature.

The First Wine from the Setouchi Region
Kawata Yusuke (Omishima Minna no Winery)

Mr. Kawata, who has studied viniculture at the University of Yamanashi, took note of the Seto Inland Sea’ s climatic similarity to the Mediterranean. He decided to attempt wine production on Omishima. After eliciting the cooperation of Hayashi Yutaka, a local citrus farmer who relocated to the island, Yuriko Morimoto, and renowned architect Ito Toyo and his wife Yoko, he began growing Chardonnay and Viognier white wine grapes on a tenth of a hectare of land (photo 3). The plan is to sell raisins and juice from the 2016 crop, and then to ship out 1,000 bottles of wine in 2018. With a subsidy from Ehime Prefecture, Mr. Kawata will open a wine bar inside the Home-for-All on the Oyamazumi Shrine approach, and work to popularize wine on Omishima.

In Search of a Self-Sufficient Lifestyle
Horiuchi Yuko (Nanayoukoubou)

Horiuchi Hiroyuki had long dreamed of building a self-sufficient lifestyle through carpentry and agriculture, and he moved to Omishima in 2002 with his wife Yuko in pursuit of this dream. At first they lived in a rented house, which was flooded by torrential rains and high waves during a typhoon, and that spurred Hiroyuki to design their own wood-frame house and build it himself on high ground. In addition to growing citrus fruit, he makes a living by making and selling wooden toys, household items, and furniture. Among his most popular items are musical instruments made with Omishima bamboo, and bird and bug whistles made with mandarin orange tree wood (photo 4). Yuko raises herbs and runs a tearoom serving herbal teas.

Youth Employment Through Lemons
Yamazaki Tomoko (Head of Limone Organic Citrus Farm)

Both of them great lemon lovers, Mr. and Ms. Yamazaki relocated to the island in 2008 from Tokyo with the goal of cultivating lemons themselves. The lemons and other citrus fruits they painstakingly grow with organic and pesticide-free agricultural methods have been granted the JAS organic certification. The Limoncello liqueur, jam, cookies, dressings, and other original foods and beverages they produce in their factory at home with their lemons and other citrus fruits are sold at their Limone store (photo 5) or online, and sales have been increasing thanks to word-of-mouth publicity. The Yamazakis dream of building up their business into one that will employ young people in an exciting and fulfilling work environment.

  • 鍋島悠弥さん


    2012 年に地域おこし協力隊として大三島に移住、2015 年任期満了後は盛地区で柑橘農業を営みながら、民家を改修し農家民宿の開業を目指している。農業や暮らしの体験など「島ならでは」を生かしたいとグリーン・ツーリズムも推進。大切にしていることは人と人との繋がり。盛地区の祭や行事にも積極的に関わっている。

    • 1 自らワークショップを企画し、
    • 2 アイデアマンでもある鍋島さん
  • 井上正道さん、貞子さん
    〈KiKi’ s 苺ハウス〉



    • 1 温室栽培で収穫されたばかりのフレッシュな苺
    • 2 井上さんは、大三島で初めて苺栽培に
  • 山崎知子さん



    • 1 無農薬レモンの加工品だけでなく雑貨も販売
    • 2 古い民家をリノべ―ションしたリモーネの店内
    • 3 多忙な日々をおくる山崎さん
  • 吉川 努さん


    神奈川県からI ターンしてきて有機農業を営んでいる。こだわっていることは種採りできる在来野菜を育てること。野菜には遺伝子操作などを行ったF1 種と、自然のままの在来種がある。昔の農家は自分で種採りするのが当たり前だった。親から子、子から孫へと安心な種をつなぎたい。手間ひまはかかるが安心第一の農業を実践している。

    • 1 吉川さんの畑
    • 2 在来種の大切さを語る吉川さん
  • 越智敬三さん


    14 年前に帰島して柑橘農家に。以来、量より質を第一に作物の品質管理を徹底してきた。結果として売り上げを伸ばすことができた。今力を入れているのは、Iターンの人たちと一緒に、独自の販路拡大を目指してつくった「恵回会」の活動を充実させること。段ボール箱をつくって、大三島柑橘のブランドを広めたいと考えている。

    • 1 品質管理を徹底して生産された越智さんの柑橘
    • 2 恵回会の活動を話す越智さん
  • 松本佳奈さん


    2012 年に地域おこし協力隊として移住。島のおいしいものをもっと知ってもらいたいと、軽自動車を改造した移動カフェ「ロコバス」を経営。人が集まるイベント会場などに駆けつけて、島の柑橘類を使ったオリジナルレシピの飲料や軽食を提供。東京で大三島柑橘の直接販売も企画している。

    • 1 大三島産の農産物を使って
    • 2 ロコバスでサービスする松本さん



  • 1 自然農法で元気に実るレモン
  • 2 伊予柑畑で有機肥料を撒く花澤さん
  • 3,4 収穫した柑橘で手間ひまかけてコンフィチュールをつくる





  • 1 大山祇神社の二の鳥居で歴史観光ガイドをつとめる大三島の高校生たち。歴代の政
  • 2 境内で待ち受ける推定樹齢2600年のクスノキは人格さえ感じさせる。
  • 3 拝殿の屋根。拝殿は奥の本殿とともに室町時代に再建された、国の重要文化財。
  • 4 境内にある田んぼを囲み、少女たちのお田植えの儀式を見守る島の人々。
  • 5 大山祇神社での多彩な祭りが、大三島の13の集落を繋いできた。

An Island Protected by Japanʼs Guardian Deities

While it looks placid today, the Seto Inland Sea was the scene of countless battles that raged across the region during the Middle Ages. Since those days, Omishima has been known as the Island of Kami (deities) because it is home to Oyamazumi Shrine. The deities enshrined here are known as almighty protectors, guarding both the mountains and seas of Japan and watching over warriors in battle.
At this shrine with its unique history, the Hall of Treasures exhibits helmets, armor, and swords worn by some of the most legendary military leaders of old. Its unparalleled collection of regalia contains many of the arms and armor designated as National Treasures or Important Cultural Properties of Japan.
The feud between the Genji (Minamoto) and Heike (Taira) clans, one of the most dramatic episodes in Japanese history, is a source of enduring popular fascination, and here you can see the armor worn by some of its main actors, brothers Minamoto no Yoshitsune and Minamoto no Yoritomo. Also on view are the naginata (halberd blade) of the great warrior monk Musashibo Benkei and the helmet of famed female warrior Tsuruhime (known as “Setoʼs Joan of Arc”), which features a striking modern design and navy-blue color.
Also astounding are the sacred camphor trees on the shrine premises, estimated to be at least 2,600 years old. Said to have been planted by descendants of the Oyamazumi deities when the shrine was built, they have grown into majestic colossi that are still burgeoning with life force after millennia.

  • 6 Both the Hall of Worship and the Main Hall are Important Cultural Properties of Japan, reconstructed in the 15th century.


そんななか、2014年、島はうれしいニュースに沸き立った。島の西南に位置する宗方地区で、200年以上の続いていた勇壮な祭、伝馬船競漕「神事 櫂伝馬」が地元の人たちの努力によって15年ぶりに復活したのだ。今回、祭の復興が実現できたのは、Iターンで宗方に住み始めた林豊さんの呼びかけに、地区のまとめ役、大内正清さん、藤原正富さん、藤原善和さん、市川貞男さんら住民が一致団結して臨んだことが大きい。
祭の復活は思わぬ効果ももたらした。島を離れ、都会などに移り住んでいる人たちを故郷に惹きつけることになったのだ。『ふるさと通信 三っ小島』の発行にもつながった。

  • 1
    櫂伝馬は宗方八幡神社に合祀されている厳島神社の十七夜祭として、旧暦6 月17 日
    に行われる。地区が三つに分かれ、赤、青、桃色の衣装を着た18 人の男たちが長さ
    9.5 メートルの伝馬船を漕いで、速さや雄姿を競い合う。男たちは、太鼓打ち、舵取り、
    3 隻の伝馬船による競漕の後、宗方八幡神社から運び出された神輿は伝馬船に乗せら

Festivals Unite the People

The island of Omishima is home to 13 villages scattered around the periphery of Mt. Washigato, a sacred mountain in the Shinto faith. Before the advent of the automobile, boats were the primary mode of transport, and people interacted more with villagers on neighboring islands across the water than with those in the next village on their own island. For this reason each village retained its own distinctive character, and evolved unique festivals involving kagura (Shinto sacred music and dance), lion dances, danjiri (festival floats pulled on carts), sacred archery, and more. However, the islandʼs population has fallen from its peak of 12,000 people to around half that, and staging these festivals each year has become a sometimes insurmountable struggle.One festival, Kaidenma, which petered out 15 years ago after continuing for over 200 years, was revived in 2014 thanks to a transplantʼs initiative. A thrilling ritual race between men on long, narrow boats known as tenma-sen, it brought great joy to the island with its resurgence. Local residents young and old came together as one to resurrect this time-honored tradition.
The festival also had the unexpected effect of bringing back former islanders who had moved to big cities. In the past, Japanese villages had social structures involving division of labor among organizations known as yui, ko, and za, which kept the wheels of the village turning smoothly. The revival of Kaidenmaserved to restore these communal bonds and ties to traditional culture.

  • 6
    Sumo wrestling was originally a religious rite, and is still performed at shrines
    as a tribute to deities. This takes place at Oyamazumi Shrine, and there are
    kids’ bouts as well!


ところが、大三島の魅力を知って移住してくる人も少なくないのが、この島のグッドニュース。定着率も9割以上と高い。 年からの5年間の移住者数は99人。瀬戸内海の美しく穏やかな風景に加え、災害が比較的少なく、温和な風土が移住したい理由のようだ。
過疎化による社会の下降線と、人間本来の豊かな暮らしへの期待の上昇線が、大三島で静かに交差している現在。この島の可能性をこれからどう広げていくか? 期待を現実に変えるチャレンジが待っている。

林 豊さん〈柑橘・養蜂農家「海sora」経営〉
























The Dynamics of Life on Omishima

Since the Shimanami Kaido road opened, a growing number of cyclists and sightseeing buses have been coming to Omishima. On the other hand, the number of people traversing the approach to Oyamazumi Shrine on the islandʼs opposite side has greatly dwindled.
The shrine approach used to be a bustling one, lined with gift and souvenir shops, food shops and restaurants, and even a movie theater and a public bathhouse. Today, empty storefronts and vacant lots are prevalent. Omishima encapsulates all too well the trends of Japan as a whole: a declining birthrate, an aging population, movement from rural areas to urban ones, and a rising number of vacant properties.The good news is that more people are moving to Omishima to live, and more people originally from the island are moving back there, from all over Japan. Ninety-nine people did so over the five-year period starting in 2011. Another hopeful sign is that more than 90% of these people have stayed on the island. Besides the lovely and tranquil scenery of the Seto Inland Sea, the scarcity of natural disasters or extreme weather is another reason people choose Omishima. A stable natural environment is a vital prerequisite for those who seek to make a living through agriculture.
However, the number of vacant houses is increasing at a faster rate than the incoming population. One NPO has started taking on thechallenge of turning these uninhabited buildings into comfortable environments for newcomers to live or carry out various activities. Another organization is working to turn meat from wild boars, which ravage farm fields, into a local island delicacy. If people working to turn negatives into positives in this way join forces, Omishima is sure to flourish ever more in the future.
RIGHT Mr. Hayashi is both a farmer and a hunter. The nearby seaprovides a great variety of fish, shellfish, and seaweed.
TOP A peaceful pastoral landscape: In some villages, 60% of thehouses are unoccupied.

Picking Fruit, Eating, and Living
Hayashi Yutaka
(Mandarin orange farmer, a beekeeper, head of Umi Sora)

Hayashi Yutaka, who relocated to Omishima from Kyoto, says “what I love about this island is the lifestyle‒‒picking fruit, eating it, living off the land.” However, while fully enjoying the lifestyle that Omishima makes possible, he maintains a strict policy as a local farmer. “To deliver the evenly shaped and sized fruit the market demands means using agricultural chemicals. However, what Iʼm doing here is not mass-producing industrial goods. While I run the risk of ending up with fruit that doesnʼt meet so-called specifications, I aim to produce something that more than makes up for that, by imbuing it with the magic of Omishima.”

Mr. Hayashi is both a farmer and a hunter. The nearby sea provides a great variety of fish, shellfish, and seaweed.

Enlivening the Island by Refilling Empty Houses
Kobayashi Junko
(NPO Shimanami Island Spirit)

The nonprofit Shimanami Island Spirit faces numerous obstacles to its mission of revitalizing the island through cyclical use of real estate. Even when the last inhabitant of a house has died, surviving family members do not want to rent it out until several years have passed, in line with Buddhist mourning customs. However, after being left untouched for several years, a house becomes unfit as a rental property… NPO member Ms. Kobayashi maintains a positive attitude and stays busy finding constructive common ground between longtime residents and new transplants.

The village street took shape over many years, and it has plenty of potential to accommodate new residents who move to the island.

From Pest Damage Victim to Wildlife Resource User
Watanabe Hidenori
(Leader, Shimanami Wild Boar Resource Utilization Brigade)

Soon after he had started growing mandarin oranges on Omishima, Mr.Watanabe’ s grove suffered damage from wild boars. However, it did not take long for him to go from pest damage victim to wildlife resource user. He immediately teamed up with local hunters and built a slaughterhouse from which boar meat is shipped out to Tokyo and elsewhere. About 800 boars are caught each year on the island, and about 15% of them end up at the Brigade’ s facility now. As the popularity of game meats grows, he aims to ship out more and more wild boar meat, and dreams of making a name for it as a local Omishima specialty.

Mr. Watanabe (left) and hunter Mr. Takahashi (right) with a wild boar they felled. It needs to be processed swiftly to and at the slaughterhouse to become a marketable product.

Living History, Education, and Outreach
on the Shrine Approach
Tamura Shin’ u
(Teacher, Niihama Minami High School, Ehime Prefecture)

On weekends, local high school students can be seen on the approach to Oyamazumi Shrine with microphones in hand, providing information about the shrine and its approach. The idea for this innovative extracurricular activity, which also helps to promote tourism, came from former Omishima’ s high school teacher Mr. Tamura. Students meet with the island’ s old-timers in person and listen to stories from long ago, then relate these fascinating tales to visitors. The number of young people choosing to remain on the island after graduating high school is starting to increase, and it seems like these encounters with living history may be part of the reason.

RIGHT A local high school student serving as a tourist guide on the approach to Oyamazumi Shrine.




大三島では年に800 頭のイノシシが捕獲され、うち15% が解体処理場に持ち込まれている。この処理場を作ったのは渡邉秀典さん率いるしまなみイノシシ活用隊で、イノシシの害を島の産業資源に変えるための投資だった。










  • 1 イノシシのワナを仕掛ける渡邉さん。相手の生態の知識も身につけてきた。
  • 2 活用隊メンバーの高橋さん、渡邉さん、藤原教康さん(左から)。他県に比べて上手くいっていると言われる大三島のイノシシ活用の立役者たちだ。
  • 3 イノシシ肉はバーベキュー用、ソーセージ、ハム、サラミなどに加工し、大都市に出荷していている。
  • 4 重信さん夫婦で手作り生産しているスマホ・ケース(右)とバッグ(左)。デザインは奥さん。
  • 5 大三島の猪骨ラーメンは地元の素材が活きる。